Goulburn Region Experiment site

GoREx Projects




GoREx Project Overview

GoRex (or the Goulburn Region Experiment) is a joint venture by the Universities of Newcastle and Melbourne which aims to develop a better understanding of the processes driving the spatial and temporal variation of soil carbon and soil moisture over the catchment and hillsope scale in a semi-arid environment.

The study site for this project is the Goulburn River catchment situated approximately 200km west of the city of Newcastle on the eastern coast of Austalia. The catchment location is indicated on the figure below. The northern half of this catchment has predominantly low to moderate vegetation cover and is used for cropping and grazing, while the southern half of the catchment is more heavily vegetated, including a National Park. Soils in the northern section are predominatly basalt derivates while those in the south are sandstone derivatives.Monitoring of local climate, soil moisture, vegetation, streamflow and soil carbon within the Goulburn River catchment is most intense in the northern half of the catchment specifically in the Krui River and Merriwa River subcatchments.

The project consists of three interrelated subprojects:

MADCAP (Merriwa and District Carbon Analysis Project).

SASMAS (Scaling and Assimilation of Soil Moisture And Streamflow),

NAFE (National Flight Experiment) and

Details of the three subprojects as well as a more detailed site description are provided on the links shown.

Location of the Goulburn River Site

Artwork by Sophie Wells

Last Updated on June 19 2007: by Tony Wells