Nov 2017
Awarded an Australian Research Council Discovery Project grant ($296,000) entitled
Novel Microcantilevers for Multifrequency Atomic Force Microscopy.
July 2016
The following paper was selected as a finalist for the AIM best conference paper award.
Design, modeling, and characterization of an XY nanopositioning stage constructed from a single sheet of piezoelectric material.
July 2015
Shannon Rios's paper "Design of a two degree of freedom resonant miniature robotic leg" has won the Best Student Conference Paper Finalist Award at the AIM conference.
Nov 2014
Recipient of the Vice-Chancellor's Awards For Research Excellence
Recipient of the Pro Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research Performance.
April 2014
According to the 2009--2013 citation record of the Scopus database, the following papers were ranked:
The Most Cited Paper in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
Design, identification and control of a flexure-based XY stage for fast nanoscale positioning
(Received 112 citations)    [pdf]
Nov 2012
Awarded an ARC DECRA Fellowship.
Nov 2012
To serve on a PhD public defence committee panel at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU - Trondheim).
Sept 2012
According to the 5-year citation record of the Scopus database, the following papers were ranked:
Top 2 Most Cited Paper in Precision Engineering (2009 - 2012)
Review of circular flexure hinge design equations and derivation of empirical formulations
Sept 2011
Awarded a University Research Fellowship.
July 2010
Awarded a University Special Project Grant.
July 2008
The following paper was selected as a finalist for the AIM 2008 best conference paper award.
Design, Analysis and Control of a Fast Nanopositioning Stage
Oct 2007
Awarded an Early Career Researcher Grant, The University of Newcastle, Australia.